Transportations (detailed)

Attendants who do not attend any pre-conference excursions, or you directly return to the airport from Niigata.

You should reach Niigata Airport (KIJ) or JR Niigata Station. The following is possible routes for Niigata.

One-way cost between airport and JR Niigata Station
Departure Destination Reference cost
(Variable in general)
Estimated time The limit of arrival time of your flight for JR Niigata Station on the same day
Osaka/Kansai Airport (KIX) JR Niigata Station 25,000JPY 6 hours 30 min 15:00
Tokyo/Haneda Airport (HND) 11,000JPY 3 hours 20:00
Tokyo/Narita Airport (NRT) 14,000JPY 4 hours 17:30


Attendants for Excursion A (Boso)

As the start point of Excursion A is Tokyo/Narita Airport (NRT), anyone needs to stay at a hotel around NRT. The travel fee for Niigata on 22 October 2017 is included in the excursion fee.


Attendants to Excursion B (Inuyama)

As the start point is the front of the Chisun INN Nagoya Hotel, you should reach by yourself at Nagoya stations. The hotel on 19 October 2017 night and the travel fee for Niigata on 22 October 2017 are included in the excursion fee.


One-way cost between airport and Nagoya stations
Departure Destination Reference cost
(Variable in general)
Estimated time
Nagoya/Centrair Airport (NGO) Meitetsu Nagoya Sta. 1,300JPY 1 hour
Tokyo/Narita Airport (NRT) JR Nagoya Station 14,000JPY 4 hours
Tokyo/Haneda Airport (HND) 12,000JPY 3 hours
Osaka/Kansai Airport (KIX) 8,500JPY 2 and a half hour
Osaka/Itami Airport (ITM) 7,000JPY 2 hours

Note: Price will change on seasons and options.

Attendants to Excursion E (Okinawa)

The travel fee from Niigata to Okinawa on 28 October 2017 is included in the excursion fee.

The return travel fee from Okinawa/Naha Airport (OKA) to the airport for your return IS NOT included.

You need to arrange by yourself flight ticket from OKA to the airport of your international flight or contact to “